Shipping Policy

Shipping Cost

Shipping cost is calculated on a “per order" basis depending on the weight of the order and the shipping destination. You can check the shipping cost of your order by clicking on your cart and entering the shipping address.

Clothing and Apparel

Clothing and Apparel ships directly from Printful and is not available for any shipping discounts.

Shipment Timing

Orders are shipped within 2 days and a tracking number is sent to the email address used in checkout. Domestic orders are usually delivered within 2-8 business days. International orders may take longer.


We want every order to be a pleasant experience. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, have received a damaged product, or believe something is missing please reach out to us at and our customer service team will help make things right.


Items labeled as preorder are not yet available and will not ship until the product becomes available. If there are other items on the order, the entire order will not ship until all preorders become available.